Greeting card or greeting card: Now you can easily and conveniently send an individual paperless greeting card with your mobile phone. You can quickly make a loved one happy and put a smile on their face.
Text ideas:
♥ Happy Birthday
♥ Get well soon
♥ We keep our fingers crossed!
♥ A little thank you!
Digital invitation card / greeting card:
A high resolution JPEG/PNG/WebP file of size 1080 x 1920 pixels, perfect for most smartphones.
Delivery time:
This ECARD is available as a download immediately after your order.
Please also check in your spam folder whether your Ecard has accidentally landed there.
Design your digital invitation card or greeting card directly in the template and create your very own ECARD. After the purchase you get the link to your cardimmediately by emailsent and can then immediately download/save them and send digitally - as often as you want.