About eCardilly and about me, Anja!
I love the beautiful!
And I have great respect for our environment, which I think is absolutely worth protecting. Since each of us deals with the latest technologies every day, I think it's time to rethink "invitations".
Paperless, for the sake of the environment.
Where it is possible and sensible. My idea of the eCard arose from these two “enthusiasms” I had for aesthetics and the environment: As a paperless replacement for all the beautiful invitations, flyers and printed matter.
I have mine with eCARDILLY Dream of "paperless printed matter" realized: eCards! And the great feedback from everyone who has sent my digital cards so far encourages me to continue pursuing my idea. For this I have now founded my eCARDILLY online shop, where you can view and order an incredible number of different eCards. New events and eCards are constantly being added - feel free to try out a free eCard!
I am paperless happy!