Invitation to Oktoberfest

Find your digital Oktoberfest invitation card and create your online template with just a few clicks. Send your Oktoberfest invitation with WhatsApp.
€9,50 EUR

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Templates for your invitation to the Oktoberfest

Have you heard about the brilliant way to invite all your friends to a hearty Oktoberfest with an eco-friendly and practical invitation card?

Imagine you are planning a great Oktoberfest-style theme party and you want everyone appears in dirndl and lederhosen. Organizing becomes very easy with a digital invitation card that you can easily send via WhatsApp.

The advantages of a paperless invitation card are obvious. Firstly, it is environmentally friendly as no paper is wasted. Second, you save time and effort by sending the invitation directly via WhatsApp without taking the paper cards to the post office. And last but not least, it is super practical, since your guests always have the digital invitation card to hand on their smartphone.

So grab your cell phone, design an individual and heartfelt invitation card to the Oktoberfest and send it with just a few Clicks via WhatsApp. Look forward to an unforgettable Oktoberfest motto party with traditional music, a relaxed atmosphere and lots of fun!.

Blog post: Rustic invitation for your party

I am a passionate child of autumn!

I celebrate my birthday in September. I spent my childhood in Swabia, where I was born and grew up. I love to spend my holidays with my family hiking in the mountains; in Austria as well as in Germany or Switzerland. Yes, I also like to go skiing. I like it rustically simple, I love nature! To be honest, traditional costumes are also one of the things that make my heart beat faster: I just love a smart dirndl or tight lederhosen. All the magic that goes with it, I happily absorb...

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Digitale Einladung zum Oktoberfest: So geht´s:

Gestalte deine Einladung:
Wähle deine Wunschkarte aus verschiedenen, liebevoll gestalteten Vorlagen im Oktoberfest-Stil. Füge persönliche Nachrichten, Bilder und Details hinzu.

Versende die Einladung:
Teile die fertige Einladung über WhatsApp, E-Mail oder soziale Medien – mit nur wenigen Klicks.

Feiere unbeschwert:
Deine Gäste erhalten die Einladung sofort und können direkt antworten. Du hast alles im Blick und kannst dich entspannt auf die Party freuen.

Wunderschöne Kundenstimme:
„Ich habe die digitale Einladung Oktoberfest genutzt und war begeistert! So einfach und schnell konnte ich alle Freunde einladen. Das Feedback war durchweg positiv und die Party ein voller Erfolg! Danke!“

Erlebe selbst, wie einfach es ist, eine Einladung zum Oktoberfest zu gestalten und zu versenden.
Mach deine Oktoberfest-Party zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis – mit unserer digitalen Einladungskarte.